Uncle Clemon H. Griffis passed away yesterday afternoon. He was Nanny's brother. Which I guess makes him my Great Uncle Clemon, but we just always called him Uncle Clemon.
2 Timothy 4:6-8
6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord,
the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all
them also that love his appearing.
I want to tell you a story dear to me about Uncle Clemon. When I married into this great big family there was alot of them and only one of me.....LOL So it took a long time for me to really get who everyone was and how they were all related...I'm still not that great at it, and I've been married to Chris for 10 years....
Anyway. When I was at church Uncle Clemon would sit right in front of us. Most of the time alone. I knew he was Nanny's brother, and I do love old people. Anyway, he was always walking out of chapel alone with his cane. So, I would always talk to him just for a minute, and give him a pat on the hand, which turned into a kiss on the cheek after awhile. He would always smile and say something, and off he would go.
For a long time, a couple of months, I just thought he was a widow. (sorry Aunt Kathy) I just assumed...(I know the saying about assuming)
Then when I was thrown a baby shower I say to Chris. 'Hey they are having a shower for me out at Aunt Kathy's can you drive me out there'....he said you mean 'Uncle Clemon's'...I say no 'Aunt Kathy's...you know Kathy Griffis'...He said 'Yeah I know Uncle Clemon's'....I say 'I think your wrong....it's Aunt Kathy's...just call your Mom'...So he did and didn't say anything to me about it...Then I'm sitting at Aunt Kathy's and I see this picture on the wall of a very young Aunt Kathy and Uncle Clemon and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I say right out loud in front of everyone 'I didn't know you were married to Uncle Clemon...I thought he was a widow'....
Yes, I am a big dork...I should've kept it to myslef...I was younger and much stupider then I am now..
You see Aunt Kathy always directed the music up on stage in front of the whole church...That's why Uncle Clemon always sat alone..instead of being able to sit with his bride, he was able to watch her from afar...That is a romantic way to look at it isn't it.....yes I'm still a dork...
2 months ago
That's a great story ... I'm glad you shared it!
I love it!! You are so funny and that is really cute. He did look like a Widower always sitting by himself.
I remember when he first saw you and asked me who you were and I told him. He was like, "Man she's pretty! Chris did good". He'd tell you if your were ugly too. I remember when one of Leah's friends got married, she told him that her fiancee' had a big nose. He said, he can have a nose job but what are your poor children going to do?" He always did speak his mind and some times it was good and sometimes it was bad. We just had to like it or leave it.
Thank you for just fitting right in with us LOUD and noisy, wild Griffis Gang! Love ya.
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