So, someone at work showed me this article after I told them about what happened the other morning with my son.
the other morning I was running late to work. I had to stop and get gas and I didn't really have time to do that. Noah wanted breakfast and I knew I didn't have time for that. He got up at 6 and it was now after 7. So, I was on my way to get gas and I start to explain to Noah that he would just have to wait until 8:30 to eat breakfast. He started crying. I said don't cry you like to eat with your friends. He was really crying. I said Noah I just don't have time to stop this morning, I have to get gas. He crying and says 'I am soooo hungry'
So, I say Noah I will park right here (at the pump), when I get out you lock the doors, Mommy will watch you all the way into the store, I will get you something and pay for the gas. The gas station wasn't busy. I was parked right in front. The Parkers had those huge widows where I could totally see him the entire time. He sat very still the whole time and just watched to make sure I was getting him something. I know what you are thinking. You are saying to yourself he is only one 3 year old you should have taken him in with you. However, that would be an incorrect statement. If I took Noah inside he would want to use the bathroom, decide over a drink, dally about what to eat, and I just didn't have time for it.
I wasn't really uncomfortable with him being there in the car. I could see him. He did really well. However, if he would have decided to get out of the car that would be a whole different blog.
As far as the article is concerned it is total crap. I think they took the not leaving a child in the car to far. Give me a break.
3 months ago
I read all of the comments on that blog. That poor woman who is beating herself up for running in the house while the kids are outside is making me sad for her. I really do think it is sad that people out there are getting away with much worse things and this woman gets arrested for leaving the kid for just a minute. I don't know, though. I don't feel like I have all of the facts. Were the doors locked? Was the car running? Was she really only a minute or two? I get crazy looks for leaving Emma Mae in the car while I drop off Madi and Jackson...
Also, you know I have to say it...lead car in the judgement train and all...If you're saying that because Noah was crying, you just had to go in, my opinion is he can cry. He won't be traumatized when he is older because he didn't get what he wanted...Sorry. Hope you still love me...
A lot of things get taken way to far and then there are those things that need to be and people are so complacent. What's the world coming to??
I think it is total crap. Every so often I run into a convenient store and leave the kids in the car. I always turn off the car, lock the doors, and make sure I can see the car at ALL times and I only run in grab a water and a bug juice, pay and run back out. It does make me nervous sometimes though, but it is soooo hard to unload both kids and take them in. But now if anything ever happened to them, I would totally blame myself for being so stupid. Is my inconvenience more important than my kids lives??? So I don't know.....I still do it every once in a while. Does this comment make any sense at all??? LOL
Far safer to lock a child in the car at a petrol station (yeah, yeah, gas station). I don't like the thought of a child taking it into their heads to get loose and run about when drivers want to focus on getting on with their journey.
Last time I left Ellie in the car, she sat waving at the cop filling up at the next pump. Fortunately, I didn't get arrested.
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