We had lock-in at Glyndale Elementary School on November 12, 2010. It was for the 2nd-5th graders. It went really well. Everyone really had a good time. Here are some pictures of the event.
We started things off with pizza, and a movie. You were allowed to sit with anyone you wanted, and you were allowed to talk.
We started things off with pizza, and a movie. You were allowed to sit with anyone you wanted, and you were allowed to talk.
They had assigned 2nd/3rd grade boys to one pod, 4th/5th grade boys to one pod, 2nd/3rd grade girls to one pod, and 4th/5th grade girls to one pod. Each pod had it's own chaperons.
I was one of two chaperons for the 4th/5th grade girls pod. We stayed up all night in our pod. We were the only pod that stayed up all night. The boys pods were the first ones asleep, then the other girl pod. Not everyone in the boys pod went to sleep. They had a small group of 4 boys that lasted almost all night, and then they had 2 that was up all night...You go boys....of course they totally want me to be the leader of their room next time, but Bethany already told me 'no way Jose'....LOL The girls in my pod really tried to stay up all night. Most made it to the wee small hours of the morning, but then fell right over where they were sitting...LOL
Shelby fell asleep 30 minutes before it was time to get up. Savannah, and Hannah made it all night long. One of my favorite things about this lock-in was meeting the other chaperon in my room. Her name was Judy Benner. She is the funniest person ever. We laughed all night long, and the girls really enjoyed us. I made the fortune tellers, and the girls used them on her. By the morning she was going to gain weight, fall in love, cry all day, go to college, get an A, see a unicorn, and have B.O........so funny!!
When I made the fortune tellers for the girls I would write good fortunes, and then one bad one. Except for Savannah she wanted all bad fortunes...LOL
I wrote you will have B.O. on Shelby's but when she read it to someone she said you will have Bo...'what does that mean? who's Bo?'....I laughed and explained it was B.O. which is short for body odor....LOL
For next time, I will have more to do in my host pod. I will also have candy, and snacks to sell in my host pod. I will also see if Judy wants to be my Co-hoster...LOL I am also going to give my girls some awards at the end....oh I have ideas....my pod will R-O-C-K!!
Amanda did such a good job organizing this thing. The teachers played guest appearance all night switching out....LOL Amanda made a really good breakfast for everyone....All in all I think it went well. We learned alot, and the kids had a GREAT time. What more could you ask for?
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