This is Lynsey helping Bethany with her make-up in the beginning. Then I finished because Bethany was crying....Lynsey gets so stressed right before it all makes me crazy...
Here are some shots I got of everyone else getting the girls ready as well.
Then I don't know what happened, well I do know what happened because I was there of course. But after that I didn't get any pictures until the whole thing was over.......This is the girls hanging out on the stage waiting for the awards....
Noah wasn't in this dance, but he just couldn't stand it. He kept whining...I dance for the studio. I know he dances for the studio, but he wasn't in the competition...LOL He was just hanging around....
The next day we went to the dance workshop. Bethany, Lynsey, Katie, and Kevin had the chance to take lessons from some really talented people. It was pretty awesome.
This is the 'Hip Hop' instructor 'Q'. He was really great. He was a judge at the competition. Bethany talked about him all night, and I knew we just had to meet him. We walked up to him and I introduced myself, and Bethany. He said 'I remember you from yesterday.' Bethany became really shy. I said go ahead Bethany tell him what you wanted to tell him. She blushed and said something like...'I remember you from yesterday too. My sister and I think you are great. You danced in your chair though all the dances.' He said 'Yes I loved all the music yesterday. I remember you from yesterday. You are what I call a performer. Has anyone ever told you the difference between a dancer and a performer. Well a dancer is someone who gets up there and does all the moves, and that's great. But a performer does all the moves and gives us everything they have, and entertains us while they are on stage, and you are a performer. I loved what you did yesterday.' That was totally worth the workshop fees. He some other really nice things to her. She was totally thrilled, and I couldn't have been happier for her....
Lynsey loved the Rockette class, but Bethany hated it. She actually hid in the bathroom for 15 min....LOL to much formation...LOL
I guess her ever doing the 'I Wanna Be A Rockette' as a solo is out of the question...LOL
Then they took a tap class, and Bethany loved it so much. The tap teacher came in and was telling the girls about scholarships for girls that are 9 and older.....Bethany asked me what do 8 year olds get. I said I don't know go ask her. So, she goes up and asks and the teacher starts saying 'I remember you from yesterday'...Bethany acts surprised and says really...the teacher in front of the whole class says something like 'How could I forget you it was only 24 hours will take me quite awhile to forget you...I don't think I have ever seen anyone who lip synced a song so well I actually thought they were singing it....' After class Bethany really wanted to get her picture with her. So, we went up and talked to her. She had even nicer things to say to her. Then Lynsey, and Katie joined us, and of course she remembered them from the day before and gave all the girls some really great compliments. I wish I could recall them all but by that time my head was just swimming. I do remember one thing she talked about as a whole....'We go around and see alot of competitions, and some are really dreadful. This has been such an entertaining group of dancers. I couldn't believe how fast the time flew.' I really loved that compliment. I looked her name up was Brianne Solomon
Katie Watson was a scholarship winner for Hip Hop/Jazz. Awesome job Katie.
I cannot finish this post unless I include this. This competition was local. Only two local studios showed up. It was Jessican Dominey School of Dance, and Studio South. I was really nervous because I really wanted everything to go great. It was way better then I could have expected. Then when we went to the workshop all of Studio South's dancers were there (or it seemed like it..LOL) and 4 students from JDSD. I spent the whole day there and watched the girls interact. It was wonderful. They were all so nice and not competitive with each other. With all that being said I must speak about Abby for one second. We didn't know Abby before this, but we will remember Abby forever. She was so out of your way nice to Bethany that we had to get a picture.
I thought she was so nice that I sent an email to Studio South to let them know. Well they replied saying they love the competition, and workshops as well, and they to had a wonderful experience. Then they sent it out to all their parents. I no motive when I sent the original email. I just thought if the schools wouldn't have gotten along I would have emailed someone. So, why shouldn't I email them if they did. I am coping the emails here so you can read them if you would like....
To: Studio South/From: Echo
Dear Traci,
Dear Traci,
I am a mother with 2 daughters in the Jessica Dominey School of Dance. We attended, and competed in the competition this past weekend on Jekyll Island. I felt like I really needed to contact you to let you know that I was so impressed with your group of girls. They were so friendly to one another, and to the girls at our studio. I didn't get to see very many of Studio South's dances because I was so busy getting the girls ready for their own dances. However, what I did get the chance to see I thought was very good. (I especially liked the 'West Side Story') Anyway, I did I get to spend a lot of time back stage and I was so impressed with their attitude towards each other, and towards our studio.
When I was backstage getting props ready I spoke to a couple of the girls about what they were getting ready to perform, and they were really nice. (they were getting ready for their dancing in the rain number) I know that we should expect that out of the girls, and I know we hope that they will be on their best behavior, but it isn't always so. I thought all the girls were nice, but there was one that I thought was GREAT! Her name was Abby. I don't remember her last name, but she was in the duet 'We Share Everything'. I saw her playing with the girls at the competition, and I thought she was sweet. Then on Sunday I went with my daughters to the workshop. Abby was so sweet, and so nice to my daughter, Bethany, that I just felt I had to tell someone. She went out of her way to be nice. Bethany asked me for a drink, I told her I would go and get her something. Then Abby gave her a bottle of water. We also had an odd number from our studio in our class, and Abby paired up with Bethany for some exercises. Bethany told me at lunch that she really liked how Abby was so nice. I asked Abby if I could get a picture of her with Bethany before we left. I do hope that in the future the 2 studios will compete with each other. It was such a nice experience.
Thanks you,
From a Mom who pays attention,
Echo Kirkland
To:Echo/From: Studio South
To:Echo/From: Studio South
Thank you very much for the kind words. I agree.....I do have very kind girls....I am most proud of that. I would not tolerate anything less. I come from a professional background so that is what I am trying to teach the girls and it is what I expect.
I am pretty sure I know who you were the only mom yesterday at the workshops from JDSD. I will pass this along to Abby's mom...she will be happy to read this.
We enjoyed competing with JDSD. I spoke to Jessica for a while at Spankys. I wish this town's mentality would change and that we could all get a long.
Hope to see ya'll around.
I am pretty sure I know who you were the only mom yesterday at the workshops from JDSD. I will pass this along to Abby's mom...she will be happy to read this.
We enjoyed competing with JDSD. I spoke to Jessica for a while at Spankys. I wish this town's mentality would change and that we could all get a long.
Hope to see ya'll around.
Again...thank you for the email.
Traci Mattea Sproull